Sunday, June 19, 2005

The last time I had a haircut was when I was 15, in 1999. So for the past five and a half years, my hair has been steadily growing. Suffice it to say, my hair got pretty long. And by pretty long, I mean really long. That all changed today. Four months ago (give or take), I got sick of my hair, and would have chopped it off right then. However, I got it into my head to run a charity off my hair for cancer research and such, and made the mistake of taking this idea to the management at my wonderful workplace. That was in February. Now it is June. One can say that I got a bit impatient with the management, and decided to take things into my own hands, or, preferably, the hands of a professional stylist. Besides, I had given the idea to my best friend, and she and others were able to raise something like $3000 Canadian by shaving their heads, so I'll take points for instigating.

Anyway, this being something of an even for me, and since many of the people I'll be showing this to have never even seen my face, I thought I'd take this time to present a photographic oddysey of my decoiffing. Get the popcorn ready now, this'll keep you glued to your seats....
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Like I said, the hair was long. Notice the Tshirt?
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I look so happy don't I? I know, the pictures are huge and blurry, but I'm not exactly good at this...
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The first lock, ready to go!
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Feels like something's missing.....not sure what....
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One more cut to conformity!
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Take a moment to wash what's left aaaaaaaand shameless website plug. I am a whore.
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Now we get to the dirty work!
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Once again, I look so HAPPY!
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The stylist wanted me to go with some sort of shaggy skater/surfer 'do, with wings and stuff. Hell no.
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And finally, me as I am now, with short, manageable and sexy hair. I then went on to have attractive women feel my head for the rest of the day. No lie! Getting your hair cut for the first time in almost six years has its benefits!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little journey through my formerly full and voluminous hair. Tune in next time when I do something considerably less drastic.


Anonymous said...

But, man, that middle-ish picture with the wet flippy sexy. Should've gone with the skater-wing thing.

KayseaLove said...

Oh my god. You went from Dork to Hotty! AMAZING! I agree with anonymous, the middle wet hair do is the best, really brings out your cuteness. You can try gel on wet hair for the same results, and/or mouse.

Andrew Balfour said...

Um, thanks, I think. To be honest, I don't like doing much with my hair. I've since had it cut by someone a bit more professional, and its natural state is much better looking. Except when I wake up in the morning.....

Anonymous said...

First, I would like to say that your hair looks great all wet and tousel-ey. Me. Ow. (Am I going to get busted on kiddie porn charges for saying that? Wait. You're over the minimum age for consent. Right?) But secondly, and MOST important: Am I the only person who finds your stylist's arms to be particularly muscular? It's like John Basedow was cutting your hair. Or, maybe I just have abnormally spaghetti-like limbs and anyone with "muscle tone" seems super-ripped.

Yadda Yadda, seriously: WAS that John Basedow?

Andrew Balfour said...

The stylist was unusually muscular, and also had a scary fake tan. I didn't go back to that place, since she was trying to subvert my hairstyle. I skater I am not. Over 18 I most definitely am, so feel free to lust after me (sorry, Monkey).

Jenn said...

Wow.. forgot how long your hair was!! Much better. Too bad you didnt get to donate all that hair..

Andrew Balfour said...

I still have it....